Two teenage 'entrepreneurs' have been arrested for selling burgers and beer - with free porn DVDs - from a caravan near clubs and bars.
They allegedly screened porn movies onto a nearby wall to attract custom to their unlicensed venture in Driffield, East Yorkshire.
The pair even had a Facebook page - Driffield Porn Burger Caravan Lads for Junior Apprentice 2011 - set up in their 'honour'.
Customers were allegedly given a free porn DVD if they spent more than £5 on food and drink, reports the Driffield Times.
But the offer was spotted by outraged locals who alerted police and two men were arrested following an undercover operation.
Police also seized their caravan which was parked on an access road in the centre of the market town, close to clubs and bars.
Sgt David Jenkins said: "We received complaints that free porn DVDs were being offered to everyone who spent £5 or more on beer and burgers.
"Undercover officers made test purchases and found this to be true before Saturday night's operation when the caravan was seized.
"It was inevitable that we would have to take some action along with our colleagues from licensing, the food standards agency and trading standards.
"Enquiries are ongoing and there are decisions to be made as to the fate of the van and the entrepreneurs."
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