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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Course teaches girls to wear heels in College

A college in London is offering 16-year-old girls a six-week course on how to walk in high heels.

The 'Sexy Heels in the City' course is supposedly designed to prepare girls for the 'business world and their social lives'.

South Thames College is paying Chyna Whyne, author of Mastering The Art Of Wearing High Heels, £60 an hour to pass on her expertise.

Miss Whyne, a former backing singer for Elton John, claims her life was made a misery because she was not taught how to walk in such shoes.

She insists women should be taught the skills at an early age as it will be better for them 'in the long run'.

The course also involves learning how to walk on a catwalk and shop for shoes.

Toni Eastwood, of training provider Everywoman, said: "This sounds like Britain's most trivial course.

"It panders to stereotypes. It's an extraordinary waste of money and time."

Man Pulls Plane With His Eyelids

In an unbelievably weird and phenomenal performance, a Chinese martial arts expert has defied the laws of gravity (not to mention the limits of human belief) and actually pulled an airplane for five meters (more than 17 feet) by a rope hooked onto his eyelids!Certainly seeming like an act from a festival conducted by the likes of Ripley’s Believe It or Not, Dong Changsheng, aged 50, performed the stunt in front of many observers at the Changchun International Exhibition Center in Jilan Province.

After fastening two metal hooks into his lower eyelids with ropes attached to the amphibian plane, he pulled the aircraft, which weighed half a ton, in less than one minute for sixteen feet.

A student of Kung Fu for nearly forty years, Dong has amassed many awards for his seemingly super human prowess.

“I have pulled a car with my eyelids before, but this was the first time with an aeroplane…To be honest, I didn’t use my full strength and I think I could probably pull it three times the distance. I have built up the body strength to do this but it would be very dangerous for ordinary people…I don’t want anyone to copy me,” Dong told the City Daily newspaper.

The martial arts expert has performed other amazing feats in his lifetime and in fact, makes a living traveling around China performing startling feats of skill to packed audiences. Three years ago, he pulled a car with his eyelids for about thirty feet and he attributes his ability to do this to a system of breathing exercises known as Quigong.

Perhaps even more amazing is the fact that according to some, particularly a man named Jim Rose, Dong’s feat is child’s play compared to the acts performed in his circus in Scotland. He claims that his cast of performers can do even more amazing things, like stapling a dollar bill to a forehead or lifting heavy objects with male genitalia.

Who is to really say about such feats of skill?

I guess one criteria when watching Dong would be to quietly ask yourself:

Could I ever hope to do that?

I don’t know about you, but I know what my answer is!

What do YOU think about this?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

42 stone model Donna Simpson wants to be world's fattest woman

42-year-old Donna Simpson who weighs over 600 pounds (272 kg), and models on a website called aimed at admirers over over-sized women.

She says she aims to reach a final weight of 1,000 pounds (455 kg), and admits that she enjoys the media attention she gets.

The mother of two says: 'The bigger your butt is, the bigger belly you have, the sexier you are.'

Her 49-year-old husband, Philippe Gouamba, agrees - and says he supports her in her goal to attain her target weight. 'You look at her curves and see her full belly and generous hips,' Gouamba said. 'It's very sexy.'

A Guinness World Records spokeswoman said that Simpson has submitted a claim for the title of world's heaviest woman to give birth, and her claim is currently being reviewed.

Among the heaviest women ever recorded was one who reportedly weighed 1,800 pounds (816 kg) and another who reportedly weighed 1,200 pounds (545 kg) at the time of their deaths.

Simpson, who wears size XXXXXL clothing, has appeared in numerous television interviews, says she has received a book offer, and is keen to star in her own reality show - partly in an effort to raise the profile of what she calls 'the fat acceptance community.'

'I've always been comfortable with myself,' she says. 'It was just everybody else that wasn't comfortable with me.'

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Airport Closed by Mysterious Flying Kite

A kite forced the closure of Zhanjiang International Airport for half a day after it was found flying near the runway in the Guangdong port city over the weekend.

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The incident took place at about 6:15 pm on Saturday, when a 2-meter-long kite was seen flying in the sky only 200 meters away from the runway.

After failing to locate the people who were flying the kite, the airport authority had to close the airport down. Two departing flights and four arrivals had to be canceled or diverted to other airports, and 477 passengers were left stranded in airport waiting rooms overnight.

The airport returned to normal operation 12 hours later on the early Sunday morning when the kite fell into farmland nearby.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mice Cloned from Skin Cells

Stem cells are a subject of great ethical controversy all over the world. In Hong Kong, researchers have added fuel to the debate by creating live mice out of stem cells from mouse skin cells – but they insist their work won’t lead towards the first human clone.

mouse Mice Cloned from Skin Cells picture

“It would not be ethical to attempt to use iPS cells in human reproduction. It is important for science to have ethical boundaries. [It is] in no way meant as a first step in that direction,” Fanyi Zeng of the Shanghai Institute of Medical Genetics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University said.

“We are confident that tremendous good can come from demonstrating the versatility of reprogrammed cells in mice, and this research will be used to… understand the root causes of disease and lead to viable treatments and cures of human afflictions.”

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Stem cells are the body’s root cells, providing the basis for all tissues, organs, and blood. The scientists at Jiao Tong University used pluripotent skin cells, which had been programmed to act like normal stem cells. This discovery is important because it shows that ordinary connective cells can also act as embryonic stem cells, which can morph into any kind of cells. The researchers developed 37 lines of stem cells and derived 3 live births.

Scholars not involved in the research expressed hope that their work would have implications for cancer research. “It will be interesting to see whether mice generated in this fashion have a higher propensity for tumor formation,” Andrew Laslett of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Technology at the Australian Stem Cell Centre in Melbourne, Australia wrote of the developments.

Hungry Rats Eat Ungraded University Exams

Proctoring and grading exams is serious business, no matter where in the world you reside. It’s such a crucial affair in Nepal, in fact, that police officers are sometimes hired to safeguard them. Sounds simple enough, right?

Tell that to the officers of Kirtipur, who accidentally let a recent batch of University exams be devoured by a hungry gang of mischievous rats. It sounds like an excuse that a desperate teenager who didn’t do his homework might employ, but it really did happen.

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This story begins at Tribhuvan University in Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. After proctoring a batch of student exams, Tribhuvan University officials passed them onto local Kirtpur police officers for safekeeping. The officers, upon returning to their headquarters, tossed the important exam papers into a dingy basement cellar that, according to the Rising Nepal newspaper, has a leaking water pipe.

All was well until 2-1/2 months later when, during a station inspection, the officers discovered that most of the exams had been torn apart, with ripped and bitten shreds lying all across the room. Apparently, the exams were the victim of a recent rat attack.

So now the question remains: who is to blame for this incident?

According to the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agency, police inspector Ram Prakash Chaudhary faults the University. He said, “We kept the answer papers in a secure room, but a few days ago we discovered that some of them had been eaten by rats. We told the university officials about the problem straight away. But they only came to pick up the papers today, after the news came out.”

The University has yet to provide an official rebuttal, but on behalf of the world, one wonders how a mere few days would have made a difference. The bottom line is that the police, who were hired to safeguard the exams, should be held responsible for all damages incurred.

However, the Rising Nepal newspaper disagrees, as they accused Tribhuvan University of “utter negligence.”

Regardless, the Tribhuvan University students are the one and only real victims, as they must now retake their exams.

11 Places That Serve Your Pet For Dinner

11 Places That Serve Your Pet For Dinner

When it comes to food, it’s all relative. What one culture considers a cute or interesting companion, another culture can turn into a delicious dish that wows visitors and delights the locals. The key when traveling is to keep an open mind when it comes to food…you never know what dish you might love!

1. South Korea: Bosintang Soup (Dog)

Dog meat is the main ingredient in South Korea’s highly prized Bosintang soup. The dish, which costs around 10 USD, is made from boiled dog bits (lean dogs are considered the most tasty) mixed with spices like green onions, Taro stalk, leeks, ginger, garlic, and perilla, an herb in the mint family that helps disguise the intense smell of cooked dog.

Although Bosintang isn’t necessarily known for its culinary appeal (the meat has been described as having a flaky, gamey dark beef flavor) it is famous for its medicinal value for improving male virility and cooling the body (and centering one’s “ki” during sweltering summer months). Even though the consumption of dog meat has been outlawed in South Korea since 1984, many traditional restaurants throughout the country still serve up this dish.

Image: Walrus Magazine

2. Japan: Basashi (Horse)

Japan is known for some adventurous cuisine, and Basashi is no exception. The dish consists of horse (ba) served raw like sashimi (sashi) with a simple soy dipping sauce on the side. Served around Japan in izakayas (local bars that serve finger food), basashi can be found all over the country, although the cities of Matsumoto and Kumamato are known for some of the best horse meat in the country.

Image: Japan Web Magazine

With a texture that’s described as sweet, smooth, and creamy, it doesn’t seem to be too much of a stretch to turn the delicacy of Basashi into…ice cream! Multiple Japanese companies have their own version of basashi ice cream that are sold with chunks of meat frozen in the carton.

Image: tonychor

3. China: Snake Soup

Although Snake Soup is a traditional dish eaten all over China, the very best version of this delicacy comes from Kweilin Street in the Kowloon district of Hong Kong. This street is famous for snake that is so fresh, the reptiles are still alive when you pick them. Snake lovers flock to Kweilin street mostly between mid-November to April, when the consumption of snake soup is seen as a necessity by many Cantonese.

Image: peter.cipollone

In Cantonese culture, many firmly believe that snake soup is essential to provide an “inner warmth that stays with you long after the bowl of soup has been eaten”. This inner warmth is credited with keeping off the cool winter air and keeping you healthy and fortified against winter colds and the flu. Snakes are so popular during the winter months, close to 200,000 live snakes are shipped into Hong Kong every year along with many tons of frozen snake meat.

Image: odeo

4. Cambodia: Fried Tarantulas

Although these little guys are fried up all over Cambodia, the Sukon Market is known for serving the tastiest fried Tarantulas and have developed a bit of a cult following – tourists and locals come to Sukon specifically to get their fix. The type of tarantula used for this snack is called a-ping and they are a palm-sized variety that are locally caught by the street vendors who sell them by the hundreds for around 8 cents USD.

Image: greenopia

To prepare them, the tarantulas are pan fried whole, with their legs and fangs still attached, with only a pinch of garlic and salt for flavor. Even though their preparation is relatively simple, people rave they have a great natural flavor and that their consistency, crunchy on the outside and gooey on the inside, is particularly unique and delicious.

Image: atticus.fits

5. Philippines: Balut (Duck)

Although Balut is served all over Asia, the Philippines are best known for this snack of boiled, fertlized duck eggs. Balut is prepared by boiling the fertilized eggs around 15 days after they are laid, just a few days before the embryo is ready to hatch. The eggs are then stored in buckets of sand to maintain their heat and are served warm. They are particularly popular as a drinking snack in night markets around Cambodia, not only because some people find them delicious, but because they are said to be a powerful aphrodisiac and improve virility in men.

Image: luxurypov

6. Nicaragua: Green Iguana Soup

Green Iguanas are eaten year round throughout Central and South America, but they’re are especially popular during Holy Week (the week before Lent begins) in Nicaragua. Unfortunately, Green Iguana females ovulate right around April, and so during Holy Week the iguanas are swollen with eggs, making the consumption of them during that time period particularly disastrous for the Iguana population.

Image: Dr. Biggles

For this reason the Nicaraguan government has banned the killing of Green Iguanas, although the traditional preparation of the iguanas into a soupy dish called Indio Viejo, persists.

Image: DollarMan

7. Germany: Hasenpfeffer (Rabbit)

The traditional German dish of Hasenpfeffer consists of a rich rabbit stew made from soaking the rabbits in juices and letting the mixture sit for two to three days. In the traditional preparation of the dish, the last ingredient a cook would add before the soup was served was a few cups of rabbit blood. This last ingredient, which is usually omitted in modern preparations of the dish, was used to thicken the soup to the proper consistency. Proper care and attention to detail was needed however; if the blood was added while the soup was still too hot, the blood will curdle, ruining the soup.

Image: Kent Wang

8. Korea: Baby Mice Wine

Baby mice wine is an incredibly potent Korean concoction that is made of fermented mice fetuses and rice wine. The process for making the wine is simple: mice fetuses are harvested when they are only a few days old and don’t yet have hair or open eyes; then multiple mice are dropped into a bottle of rice wine and left to ferment for at least one year. The resulting wine has been described as tasting like “roadkill mixed with gasoline”. Although that combo may not sound too appealing, Baby Mice Wine is credited by folk-medicine to be the cure to almost any ailment, from asthma to liver disease.

Image: itstrulyrandom

9. Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador: Roasted Guinea Pig

In Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, roasted Guinea Pig has been eaten by the local farming population for over 4,000 years. The guinea pigs, called “cuy,” are a larger variety of the rodent then are kept as pets in the U.S., and they are breed specifically for eating in guinea pig farms in certain parts of Central America.

Image: cooperis

The animal is almost always served whole, sometimes filleted down its belly and other times skewered like a kabob and fire-roasted. Although it’s a traditional “comfort food” for many people living in the Andes region of Central America, the meat itself can be very sparse, bony, and dry.

Image: ipedaler

10. China: Guilinggao (Turtle)

Guilinggao, also called Turtle Shell Jelly, is a jelly-like dessert made from the powdered shell of the Golden Coin Turtle and is a popular dish at Dim Sum all over China. People enjoy the jelly not only for its taste but for its reported medicinal value. During the preparation of Guilinggao, turtle shell powder is boiled for hours and then medicinal ingredients are added. Eventually all of the liquid evaporates until a jello-like substance is formed.

Image: Eddie Wong

The dish is so popular that canned Guilinggao is mass-produced and is available in Chinatowns across the world.

Image: weird meat

11. United States: Goat Meat Tacos

Goat Meat Tacos have become a staple at many roadside taco trucks throughout the United States. These taco trucks are like mini, mobile, kitchens with the capacity to cook and serve food from wherever the truck is parked. Although Goat Meat Tacos have been a favorite in taquerias in Mexico for generations, their popularity is rising steadily in the United States. The goat meat, which is usually marinated overnight, is shredded and cooked slowly to maintain the goat’s flavor without letting the meat get tough.

Image: bionicgrrrl

No More Doughnuts for Nepalese Police Officers

Police officers must possess street smarts coupled with cheetah-like agility and tiger-like strength. Otherwise, the villainous predators that roam our streets might devour them like an oatmeal cookie. In particular, the proud officers of Nepal must also be in perfect physical shape because being fat is considered just plain “lousy”!

Nepal Police Must Lose Weight No More Doughnuts for Nepalese  Police Officers picture

The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal commands an extensive police force stocked with over 56,000 officers spread across the 56,827 sq mi, landlocked nation. According to recent complaints from the public to the Secretariat of the Inspector General of Police, however, many of Nepal’s officers are far too overweight to correctly perform their duties.

In accordance with these new findings, the Nepalese Police Headquarters in Kathmandu has decided to initiate a weight-loss program that stipulates officers must lose weight, lest they be “barred from promotion and transferred to less well-paying posts.”

Police spokesman Bigyan Raj Sharma told AFP reporters, “When you are fat, you look lousy and it’s obvious that perception of people towards you is not positive.” Tell that to Carl Winslow!

To ensure officers stay on point, annual tests will be introduced to accurately track officers’ physical progress. Plus according to the Telegraph, additional “fitness and yoga sessions will be scheduled,” in that a camp featuring renowned fitness guru Swami Ramdev just ended last month.

Sharma added, “Some officers work for 18 hours a day here in the capital. The situation is getting worse and more improper. They must be given time for physical fitness training.”

Perhaps a course on healthy eating might also be in order. If nothing else, at least cut out all the doughnuts!

Indonesian Toddler Chain-Smokes 40 Cigs a Day…

Smoking is a fatal habit responsible for over 5-million global deaths per year. Added to that, 50% of those who begin smoking during childhood will continue smoking until the end of their likely fleeting lives.

Most grownups therefore try diligently to protect their children from the insidious poison known as tobacco. Sadly, the parents of the boy pictured below either possess no common sense whatsoever—or they just don’t care.

Ardi Rizal Boy Smoker Indonesian Toddler Chain Smokes 40 Cigs a Day... picture

Pictured above is little Ardi Rizal, a two-year-old Indonesian lad with an indomitable fondness for cigarettes. His cravings are so intense that he’ll bust into a full-fledged tantrum if not provided with at least 40 cigarettes of the same brand per day. Keep in mind that a typical pack hosts only 21 cigarettes, and his habit costs £3.78 a day, which is equivalent to almost 6% of Indonesia’s monthly minimum wage.

Ardi first took a drag when his father Mohammed offered him cigarette one-and-a-half years ago. He has since transformed into an overweight, 56-pound toddler so out of shape that he can barely walk. The Metro reports that Ardi “trundles round on a toy truck blowing smoke as he is too unfit to run with the other children.”

Child Smoker Indonesian Toddler Chain Smokes 40 Cigs a Day... picture

According to the Mail Online World News, Ardi’s Mother Diana attempted to make him quit, but to no avail. She tearfully said, “He’s totally addicted. If he doesn’t get cigarettes, he gets angry and screams and batters his head against the wall.” Isn’t it a parent’s job to deal with such situations? Regardless, she added, “He tells me he feels dizzy and sick.” I wonder why…

Local officials have tried to bribe the family into forcing Ardi to quit by offering them a car, but his father insists that there’s nothing wrong: “He looks pretty healthy to me. I don’t see the problem.”

Smoking Toddler Indonesian Toddler Chain Smokes 40 Cigs a Day... picture

Shocking, isn’t it? Even more disturbing is that according to Fox News, 25% of three to fifteen-year-old Indonesian children have tried smoking at least once. Plus statistical data presented by Mail Online reveals that almost 1% of Indonesian children are active smokers.

Unfortunately, there are no laws in Indonesia designed to protect children from second-hand smoke, let alone cigarettes. A bill is currently in the works, but officials from the tobacco industry are steadfastly stalling its progress.

If passed, the bill would “ban cigarette advertising and sponsorship, prohibit smoking in public, and add graphic images to packaging.”

It might already be too late for Ardi, but there are millions of other children in Indonesia that the bill could potentially save.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Indian Spiderman Defies Death

Many of us wish we could emulate the spider-enhanced physical prowess of Peter Parker, known more commonly as Spider-Man, but not many of us have the guts to scale a wall without the aid of a safety net, a harness or wings.

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Enter Jyothi Rai of India. Unlike most individuals, who are content spending their lives with two feet firmly planted in the safety of the soil, Rai enjoys spending his time climbing the walls of the Chitradurga Fort, a large stone construct located in the Chitradurga District of Karnataka, India.

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Using the spaces between the stones as footholds and effortlessly hanging by his feet at a height of upwards of three hundred feet sans safety harness or anything to land upon should he slip. If he does, here’s hoping one of the many tourists that come to see him daily will try and catch him.

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$500K Cocaine Stash Found Hidden In Chocolate Truffles

Cocaine is God’s way of saying you’re making too much money. ~ Robin Williams

Even in New York where almost anything can happen, discovering a 500K stash of cocaine hidden in a batch of chocolate truffles and pistachio shells at JFK Airport does sort of takes the cake. Although we hear every day about how crafty drug dealers are finding more and more innovative ways to smuggle drugs into the United States, this one really sparkles with originality. Think about it for just a second; man puts nose candy in real candy. Smart and close, but, alas, no cigar.

cocaine $500K Cocaine Stash Found Hidden In Chocolate Truffles

According to the New York Post, an American unemployed man, Robert Lopera from Connecticut, tried to smuggle the candy-covered drugs into the country. To quote the newspaper; “his efforts were half-baked.” The incident occurred on May 11th, when he flew into JFK on Avianca Flight 824 from Medellin, Columbia on a one-way cash ticket. Customs and border protection agents noticed that the chocolates disguised as those made from the prestigious chocolatier, Ferrero-Rocher, and the pistachios seemed suspiciously heavy.

Quick-thinking officers arrested Lopera after the powder in the two bags of treats tested positive for cocaine. The knock-off chocolate balls weighed 15 pounds and Lopero, who is currently awaiting prosecution, will pay dearly in terms of jail time if he is found guilty of this sweet smuggling escapade gone awry.

Is there not some poetry in nose candy being put inside actual candy? Even if there is, there’s not much poetry to read in prison these days, is there?

Man Finds Missile Launcher While Gardening

San Antonio, Texas – Jarrette Schule was cutting down trees on his rural property Tuesday in Comal County when he noticed a green metallic tube on the muddy ground.

“I had never seen it before,” said Schule, a 34-year-old Web developer. “I looked at it, and it kind of looked like a missile launcher.”

Schule took a closer look. It was a long, forest-green metal tube. A decal on it read: “Guided Missile and Launcher, Surface Attack.”

The discovery was the start of a surreal journey for Schule. Somehow, an unarmed anti-tank weapon wound up on his land at Beck Road and Kirk Lane in the Hill Country, miles away from a military installation.

The launcher was deep in the wooded property far from the road, in an area he was familiar with.

“I don’t know if it fell out of something or if somebody just dumped it,” Schule said. “There’s some crazy whitetail hunters around here. Maybe they’re going overboard?”

Schule’s property in Comal County is vacant, and he didn’t want to leave a missile launcher unattended. So he loaded it in his truck and took it to his house.

Schule spent Tuesday afternoon calling the FBI, Homeland Security, the Sheriff’s Department — every agency he could think of. He was stuck in a bureaucratic limbo.

“Everyone was handing it off to everybody else,” Schule said.

He was surprised at the amount of work it took to get the military to pick up its lost missile launcher.

Schule initially was nervous when he found the weapon. But as the hours passed, he did what most guys would do — marvel at the mind-blowing awesomeness of finding a missile launcher. He posted photos on Facebook and called his buddies, saying: “Guess what I found?”

Schule’s information was passed along to an Army criminal investigator, who visited Schule on Wednesday morning — about 19 hours after he started making phone calls.

The special agent walked into the house and saw the launcher sitting on the dining room table.

“She said this is the first time she ever encountered anything like this,” Schule said. “I got the impression it was kind of a big deal. Doesn’t happen every day, I guess.”

The decal on the launcher has a 13-digit “National Stock Number,” which is used to identify military equipment. The stock number is a match for launchers that fire Dragon surface-to-surface missiles, according to a database maintained by the U.S. Defense Logistics Information Service.

The launcher was built in December 1996. The Dragons, first manufactured in the 1960s, last were used in combat in 1991’s Operation Desert Storm. They were replaced by the Javelin missile system and finally discontinued in 2006.

Military officials were unable to say Wednesday who last had the launcher and when it was lost. The launcher has a serial number that can be used to track the chain of custody. That will be part of the military’s investigation, said Phil Reidinger, spokesman for Fort Sam.

At Schule’s house, he and the Army investigator had to wait for about three more hours for an ordnance disposal team from Lackland AFB to confiscate the weapon.

The team arrived at about 1 p.m. Wednesday and retrieved the device, ending a crazy experience for Schule.

“I thought just driving down the road, someone would just know that I had a missile launcher in my truck,” Schule said, laughing. “You think that way about the government.

But really, you have to make an effort for them to come get their missile launcher.”

Source: San Antonio News Link

Airline staffers caught in porn ring

Australia’s Virgin Blue airlines has fired at least 20 employees for watching pornography on work computers.

The airline’s head office in Brisbane would not confirm which staffers were involved, but it is believed they were members of the pit crew who refuel and do minor maintenance in the Sydney and Brisbane terminals, the Daily Telegraph reported.

The employees were caught taking part in a pornographic video-swapping ring after an extensive investigation, company spokeswoman Danielle Keighery said.

She added the fired staffers did not do anything illegal, but instead violated a code of conduct about computer usage.

Mouth-shaped urinals removed from eatery

A coalition of 24 organizations has won a year-long battle with a Canadian eatery to have the urinals shaped like a woman’s open mouth removed from its men’s bathroom.

Women's group: No more lip
The glossy, red lipped urinals at The Honest Lawyer restaurant in Hamilton, Ontario, sparked public outcry and a letter-writing campaign that eventually forced owners to remove the offensive toilets, the CNews reports.

Manufactured by Bathroom Mania! in the Netherlands, the “Kisses” urinal has been the subject of controversy for years and thought by some to be art or just a joke.

On its Web site, the manufacturer says, “This is one target men will never miss.”

The Woman Abuse Working Group led the efforts to oust the offensive toilet. The group was concerned about women’s safety and the message it sent to men in the bar.

Lenore Lukasik-Foss, chairwoman of the group, said, “It’s not a joke to pee into a woman’s mouth.”

Man tries to smuggle bull semen across border

A Canadian man was fined $5,000 for trying to smuggle bull semen across the Canada/U.S. border in a thermos.

WT-? Guess bulls are good for other things, too.
Devin William Warrilow, whose family runs an Angus farm near Edmonton, failed to declare 14 samples of the bovine germplasm after arriving at the Del Bonita, Alberta, customs office from Nevada, CNews reports.

The 22-year-old man and a friend declared some goods, including chewing tobacco, shoes and firearms reloading tools, but appeared nervous when replying to questions from custom officers. The pair were then referred to a secondary examination.

Upon inspection of the Minburn man’s pickup truck, officers found the thermos, which contained the semen, in the fan shroud near the radiator.

In Warrilow’s statement, he said the reason he hid the semen was because he heard it took three hours to clear customs and he was trying to avoid the delay.
