42-year-old Donna Simpson who weighs over 600 pounds (272 kg), and models on a website called supersizedbombshells.com aimed at admirers over over-sized women.
She says she aims to reach a final weight of 1,000 pounds (455 kg), and admits that she enjoys the media attention she gets.
The mother of two says: 'The bigger your butt is, the bigger belly you have, the sexier you are.'
Her 49-year-old husband, Philippe Gouamba, agrees - and says he supports her in her goal to attain her target weight. 'You look at her curves and see her full belly and generous hips,' Gouamba said. 'It's very sexy.'
A Guinness World Records spokeswoman said that Simpson has submitted a claim for the title of world's heaviest woman to give birth, and her claim is currently being reviewed.
Among the heaviest women ever recorded was one who reportedly weighed 1,800 pounds (816 kg) and another who reportedly weighed 1,200 pounds (545 kg) at the time of their deaths.
Simpson, who wears size XXXXXL clothing, has appeared in numerous television interviews, says she has received a book offer, and is keen to star in her own reality show - partly in an effort to raise the profile of what she calls 'the fat acceptance community.'
'I've always been comfortable with myself,' she says. 'It was just everybody else that wasn't comfortable with me.'
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