After fastening two metal hooks into his lower eyelids with ropes attached to the amphibian plane, he pulled the aircraft, which weighed half a ton, in less than one minute for sixteen feet.
A student of Kung Fu for nearly forty years, Dong has amassed many awards for his seemingly super human prowess.
“I have pulled a car with my eyelids before, but this was the first time with an aeroplane…To be honest, I didn’t use my full strength and I think I could probably pull it three times the distance. I have built up the body strength to do this but it would be very dangerous for ordinary people…I don’t want anyone to copy me,” Dong told the City Daily newspaper.
The martial arts expert has performed other amazing feats in his lifetime and in fact, makes a living traveling around China performing startling feats of skill to packed audiences. Three years ago, he pulled a car with his eyelids for about thirty feet and he attributes his ability to do this to a system of breathing exercises known as Quigong.
Perhaps even more amazing is the fact that according to some, particularly a man named Jim Rose, Dong’s feat is child’s play compared to the acts performed in his circus in Scotland. He claims that his cast of performers can do even more amazing things, like stapling a dollar bill to a forehead or lifting heavy objects with male genitalia.
Who is to really say about such feats of skill?
I guess one criteria when watching Dong would be to quietly ask yourself:
Could I ever hope to do that?
I don’t know about you, but I know what my answer is!
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