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Friday, July 16, 2010

Great great gran celebrates 130th

Antisa Khvichava /PA 

A great-great grandmother says she has just celebrated her 130th birthday - making her the world's oldest person.
Antisa Khvichava lives in a remote mountain village in Georgia with her 40-year-old grandson, reports The Sun.
The vodka-drinking pensioner feasted on corn porridge and spiced chicken with her family to celebrate.
Antisa, who still wears bright red lipstick, said: "I've always been healthy and worked, at home and at the farm."
Her birth certificate was lost during a century of war and revolution - but officials say passport documents prove her age.
National register spokesman Georgiy Meurnishvili said Mrs Khvichava was born on July 8, 1880, and retired from her job as a tea and corn picker in 1965, when she was 85.

Authorities visited Mrs Khvichava in her village of Sachire and displayed two Soviet-era documents noting her date of birth.
France's Eugenie Blanchard - who is 114 years old - is recognised as the world's oldest person as officials have yet to check Antisa's claim.


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